Real Name: Connor McGuinness
In Game Name: Blackwind
Age : 16
Location (City, State): Musselburgh, Scotland
Wich other games do you play except CoD4 :
world of Warcraft, Company of Heros - Well, basically anything I can get my hands on
How experienced are you in the above game?:
Quite experianced, Level 55
Best with what weapon/kit?:
Sniper rifle
Best Map:
Countdown & Overgrown are both favs. of mine
Why do YOU want to join XtremeGamer?:
I would like to join a mature and well-orginaised clan, Hopefully to have agood number of laughs and a ton of banter
What is your xfire s/n:
Blackwind14Were you refered by someone?: If so, by who?:
Why would you be a good canidate for XtremeGamer?:
I belive I would make a good canditate, as I already have plent of experiance with other FPS and have been an active member of 10+ decent clans already.